Tuesday, March 20, 2018


"212 degrees of Fidelity, Today and Beyond"
How do you go from where you are to where you want to be? Without question,
effective leadership is essential to the future of us, our family, civic, fraternal or business
Leadership is seen as the key to strategically positioning the future of humanity. This may
be even more critical for schools, colleges and fraternal organizations.  It is imperative for
leaders to begin today, in developing, and supporting circle of acquaintance. Without vision
you will wonder aimlessly. How this vision is communicated will to a great extent determine
your success. Each person who influences others will have the same core values. Given what
we know from history or personal experience, one must acknowledge that an influential person
has to be someone with an extraordinary vision, someone that has made an impact on the world
always began first at home. Influence can be defined in countless of ways. I define "influence"
in terms of direct change in the concrete circumstances of individual lives. Leaders like Moses
will see the promise land although they never will live to enter. The promise land of having those
we support grow into the person we know they can be. Leaders encourage others to step outside
of their self-imposed boundaries and dare to dream. There are four things I want to challenge
each of you to do each day of your life.

I would like to challenge you to laugh.

It seems when we start our week the first interaction we encounter sets the tone for our Monday and
perhaps the remainder of the week. Laughter is a powerful tool for combating stress and conflict. It
can dissipate anger, sadness and other negative emotions. In addition to making you feel good;
laughter can improve your health and make your relationships with others closer and stronger. There
are a wide variety of benefits to be gained by making daily laughter a priority:

Laughter is relaxing. A good session of laughing can relieve muscle tension and make you
feel more relaxed. This in turn can calm you and bring a general sense of well being.
Laughter can boost your immune system. Infection-fighting antibodies are released when
you laugh. Stress hormones are decreased as laughter reduces stress.
Laughter can reduce chronic pain. Medical studies have shown that 10 minutes of laughter
can diminish chronic pain for up to 2 hours.
Laughter can improve your creativity. You can face challenges with more perspective with
a good sense of humor. This leads to more creative problem solving.
The physical benefits of laughter can lead to an improved outlook on life. Laughter can bring
optimism and a more positive attitude. It can also bring resiliency that will help you bounce back
from disappointments and survive tough times. Laughter will leave you feeling energized and
renewed, ready to face life’s daily stresses without being overwhelmed.
Laughter is a contagious social activity. When people are in a group and they hear someone
laughing, they often join in spontaneously. Laughing with other people helps us to make a
connection with them, opening the door to communication and creating a bond. When two people
in a relationship share a common sense of humor, it can reduce stress between them and defuse
conflict. By introducing more humor and playfulness into your relationships at home, work and
in Lodge, you can strengthen them and make them more satisfying.
I would like to challenge you to Study.
There are many books that when studied and their truths applied the knowledge we glean will help
us develop and reach our GOD given potential. Consider the Great Light of Masonry. Its doctrines
are holy, its precepts are binding, its histories are true, and its decisions are immutable. Read it to
be wise, believe it to be safe, and practice it to be holy. It contains light to direct you, food to support
you, and comfort to cheer you. Reading regularly helps improve the mind and memory. Although
you can be the most well-read pupil and if you cannot communicate that knowledge it is of no useful
purpose. What makes someone a good communicator?  We have all met someone we enjoy listening
to and talking with in good conversation.  Aristotle identified the three critical elements for a great
communicator they must have ethos, pathos, and logos.
Ethos is in essence your credibility — the purpose people should believe what you're saying. They
must have faith in your knowledge regarding the chosen topic.
Pathos is making an emotional connection —the purpose people believe that what you're saying
will matter to them, based upon your common life experiences. They must be able to relate to whom
you are, and what you are sharing.
Logos is your mode for appealing to others' sense of reason, ergo the term logic. The purpose is to
provide people thoughtful analysis to make clear their decisions.
My Brethren you are your best critic, therefore concentrating on your weaknesses, and rely on your
strengths will help you achieve success. Have difficulty speaking in public; study how to become an
effective speaker. If you determine you are well rounded then perhaps just read a book and broaden
your horizons. We are raising a generation of children who are socially inept because they are
electronically dependent. The times I remember best as a child was when my family was gathered
around the table and we all enjoyed good wholesome conversation.

I would like to challenge you to Teach. The command to teach if found over 216 times in the Great Light
of Masonry. I believe it is time we teach our children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews the way they
should go. We need to teach them the lessons we have learned in life to make their road of life a little
easier to travel. No command is recorded greater than the command to teach, Go yea therefore and do likewise.

I would like to challenge you to Share your heart

I beseech each of you to be enthusiastic each day and share your heart.
Nothing great can be accomplished without enthusiasm. It is my prayer we each, laugh, study,
teach and share our heart. There is always something you can give, a smile, a warm embrace,
a friendly grip, and a word of encouragement. Behind every need there is a story, and when
we allow ourselves to be in a hurry…well my Brethren that is the death of kindness, and a lost
opportunity to give and experience God’s grace. While traveling through this pilgrimage of life
the slower we go, the more we will see. Embrace every opportunity to share your heart because
life is fragile and fleeting. It is my prayer we each remember that this world is not our home;
we are merely residences and recipients of God’s grace until he leads us home.   

Your friend and Brother from Inman
Jay Adam

  Be it far from me Have you ever heard or read something that did not make any sense? Not a ridiculous saying, I am referring to a statemen...
