Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Deep and Abiding Faith

A Diamond in the Rough

I have been thinking a lot about diamonds lately. Natural diamonds that have been 
cut into many facets are considered one of the most beautiful things on Earth. This 
nature-made beauty when sculpted glistens and sparkles in the light. Diamonds bring 
joy to many people by their brilliance. However, few stop to think about their origins. 
Diamonds are made of carbon, one of the basic building blocks of our planet and all 
life. Under specific conditions, carbon changes into the clear, shiny substance 
we know as a diamond. There are four essentials in the creation of a natural diamond: 
  • Carbon
  • Pressure
  • Heat
  • Time
Diamonds are not created on the Earth’s surface and very few diamonds are thrust there
by the violent motions which the surface of the planet can sometimes be subject to in the
form of volcanoes.

A Deadly Volcano Triggered A Tsunami Wave Taller Than The Statue ...

This is why companies must mine for diamonds. They are formed about

100 miles beneath the Earth’s surface. Diamonds are primarily made up of carbon. Pure
carbon can take on many forms including diamond, graphite, and fullerite. To become a
natural diamond, carbon must spend millions of years under extreme heat (900° - 1300° C)
and pressure (45 – 60 kilobars) deep inside the earth. Indecently one kilobar is 14,500 pounds
per square inch. This changes the way the atoms in the carbon bond together.
The end result is a fully formed diamond.
If the temperature and pressure are not just right, then graphite will form. There is quite a
difference between the beauty of diamonds and graphite. Graphite does have a tremendous
value and is commonly used as the core of pencils and to make brushes for electrical motors. 
Because diamonds are the hardest material found in nature, they can scratch virtually any
surface. Imagine the vast number of materials in the world; a diamond must be extremely
durable to rise above all others. Australia, Botswana, Russia, and the Congo account for a
large portion of the world’s diamond mining.
The relative scarcity of diamonds is what has made them so precious across so many cultures.
Our world is smaller through our global economy. Thereby it becomes easier for transportation,
communication. It seems diamonds have taken on more significance as a display of wealth. Some
people believe that the supply of diamonds is actually quite large due to new mining techniques.
Suspicions abound that these diamonds are kept off the market in order to keep the price inflated.
However, as populations grow and more people wish to own diamonds, there seems to be a burgeoning
market for this precious stone in spite of expanding supply.

GOD created you for a specific purpose and you have been wonderfully made. Therefore, each of us

like a diamond requires four essential elements to reach the natural beauty we were designed for:

  • Sense of awareness
  • Deep and abiding Faith
  • Compassion for all Mankind
  • Since of Purpose
Sense of Awareness
Is That You God or Just My Imagination? | disciplegideon
From man's existence we have asked ourselves a variety of questions:

  1. Who am I?
  2. Where did I come from?
  3. What is my purpose?
  4. How do I relate to GOD?
I would like to ask you a question, what defines you? Often a man is defined by his job and
a woman by their family. Let’s peer deeper and answer what do you value in life,
because that is what defines a person, and will allow one to truly know themselves.
What are your values?
What would you lay your life down for? “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay
down his life for his friends.”
 The Barn Princess: A Woman of Faith
Deep and Abiding Faith
What is it that you believe in, not your denomination? What is truth and what is your relationship to
GOD? What provides you hope? Lastly, can your faith stand up to a scholarly examination? Here is a
question; do you live your faith? Do you have a personal relationship with GOD? There will be no
Grandchildren in Heaven. No child will get to heaven through their parents relationship with GOD.
A deep and abiding faith is vital. I do not know how people survive the woes of life without GOD.
Golden Rule" (Do unto others), April 1,1961 Giclee Print by Norman ...
Compassion for all Mankind
Do you have compassion for all mankind… red, yellow, black, and white? Does your Lodge adopt
a family in the community to care for their needs? Did you fill the last need you witnessed, or have
you allowed circumstances, social distancing, and hysteria to cause you to become a cynic? 
Then Jesus said to his disciples,
"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.” 
God Doesn't Call the Qualified, He Qualifies the Called - Your ...

Sense of Purpose
Why do you attend awards banquets? Do you attend to receive a plaque, or an award,
or support those being recognized? We live in a society where everyone gets a prize.
One of my favorite movies is Patton, portrayed by George C. Scott (a roll he reprieved in The Last Days of Patton).
George C. Scott was the first actor to refuse the Academy Award (he won for Best Actor). He refused on
philosophical grounds. He believed "each dramatic performance was unique and could not be compared to others."
Oh what a world we could make if people served humanity knowing there would be no recognition. Each life never to be
compared to others, simply living life in service, now that would be a dramatic performance.
Have you attended a children’s program lately… everyone receives an
award. This is an atrocity, we are not helping our children when we falsely teach everyone wins, and
everyone is in charge.
Why did you become a mason? Have you ever attended a boring business meeting?
Brethren, I did not join our fraternity to attend a 1st, second, or third degree, and I certainly
do not like attending boring business meetings!
I joined our Band of Brothers for a purpose:
  • To establish fraternal bonds
  • To help my community
  • To serve others
Do not hide your gifts talents, or abilities, for they are GOD given. I pray we each seek GOD with all our heart.
A pray our fraternity begins to develop a sense of awareness, that we grow closer with GOD through a deep and
abiding faith, that we begin to have compassion for all mankind.
Because, if we do then we will have a sense of purpose and that is why Masonry began.  To take a piece
of coal we call an aspirant and refine it through the pressure of humanity, the heat of fraternal bonds, and
through time or the life span GOD has given to create a diamond for HIS glory.

Joni and Friends on Twitter: "We pray our October lockscreen ...

"Untested faith is inconsequential. Deep and Abiding faith is tempered through the fire of life, and sustained in the forge of Grace." Jay Adam Pearson

We now live in a day of uncertainty, where people are talking more about COVID 19, and how the inconvenience is costing them wealth, fame and fortune. My heart breaks for humanity has lost their focus and joy. This caused me to reflect on the toils of life, and the rewards of a certain future. In the silence I listened to our Fathers voice, and I picked up my pen and wrote the following poem:

The Toil of Life

Through the tussles and travails of time
Amidst the strife, splendor and toil of life
Fame beckons the wanderer’s way he climbs
Hearkened applause will seal your plight

Titles like the howling winds are fleeting
Anew victor on the stage to be constrained
The prominence of man soon competing
For the tributes and honors so richly gained

Beware how the melody of your name summons
A storehouse of idol memories past acclaim
From the mountain’s peak surmounted by gluttons
To flouting lessons in fidelity’s valley dissuaded

It matters not how the annals of history
Shall mark the record of your life
Be it a victor’s life compassed with shivery
All triumphs proclaimed by snare and fife

Vanity’s murmurs shall always remain
Compounding this world’s empty glory
The prominent forces of hope and disdain
Often collide being told in the old, old story

Of a world lost and dying, Father enlighten us
By Thy Spirit to where all Thy saints have rested
Washed in Jesus’ blood and righteousness 
Walking in Thy statues redeemed and destined

To serve Thy Holy name enthralled
No desire to be remembered, or even liked
Yearning only to hear our name called
From the Lamb’s Book of Life

Soli Deo Gloria

Jay Adam Pearson 

Soli Deo Gloria

Jay Adam Pearson 

Self Made Man - Bronze Scuplture | A statue located by the D… | Flickr

Our challenge is to serve for the sake of service, and not the applause of humanity, nor to have our names inscribed down here. We must constantly ask ourselves why we are doing what we are doing/accomplishing? This is the time, now is the place, and nothing else should satisfy you. It is my hope, indeed my prayer each of us strives to serve because we serve a risen KING who holds the world in the palm of HIS hand. One final challenge stop being concerned with your name inscribed on a masonic dues card, church roster, business or fraternal organization. "He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father, and his angles" (Revelations 3:5)."
May God hold you in the palm of his hands, sheltered by his grace, and surrounded by his love is my fervent prayer.

Your friend and Brother from Inman

Jay Adam Pearson

  Be it far from me Have you ever heard or read something that did not make any sense? Not a ridiculous saying, I am referring to a statemen...
