Thursday, June 18, 2020

A Dream, United with a Goal Becomes The Richest Place on Earth

Yesterday after speaking with a friend, he got in his vehicle and began the 90-minute journey home. Fifteen minutes later I received a call he had just been in a severe traffic accident. I instantly hit my knees and prayed for GOD's grace and mercy over everyone involved in the accident. This caused me to think about how truly life is like a vapor. "Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away" (James 4:14). 


What are you doing with your LIFE?

Will anybody care when your time on Earth is done?

Today we find society too busy to dream, they are in a race to keep up with the status quo. The bigger house, the latest gadget, the new car, not to mention clothes, shoes, and the dreaded pocketbook/purse our wives desire. This caused me to wonder where the richest place on Earth is, and do the residents find solace in their treasures, or are they haunted by unfulfilled dreams?

First I would like to ask each of you a simple question. How many people have any goal or accomplishment left undone in their life?  I also wonder what they are doing to support and accomplish their dreams. Dreams without goals are just dreams. Those unacted upon dreams without a goal become a source of disappointment and regret. Consequently, you will spend countless hours pining over unfulfilled dreams if you do not have a goal to accomplish your dreams. For two years I was honored to teach mathematics at one of our local high schools. I am so amazed at my student’s ability to overcome their many challenges of life, yet I am equally disappointed at their inability to set a goal. When we dream we must set goals and work towards attaining our dreams, or they will become delusions of persecution. Goal setting is the principal tool that will enable you to reach your full potential. Every successful step toward attaining your short-term and long-term goals builds confidence establishing a sense of personal pride. The more you accomplish, the better you feel about yourself. In sharp contrast, a bucket list is a maze trapping you in the labyrinth of unlimited time. There is too much time wasted with the falsehood of a bucket list. Yes, many proclaim one day I will do this, or an array of experiences or achievements they hope to have accomplished during their lifetime. This is the time, now is the place, and nothing else should satisfy you. Dare to dream, and then set an attainable goal for each dream.
When you dream and set goals there will always be detractors declaring you cannot, will never, because they are predisposed to failure. It is when you perceive something no one else sees and you dare to dream these detractors will awake from their covers of regret confined in cynical solitude. True greatness comes when we die to self by refusing to drink the lethal poison of our ego. If we allow our ego to take over, it can be more lethal to our well-being than anything else. Ego can destroy personal relationships, working relationships, and friendships. An inflated ego has the power to make us see things differently than they actually are.
Ken Hanes' Kaleidoscope - Radio Artifact

Our ego will destroy dreams faster than any foe or detractor. “Ego is the dark palette which paints the Kaleidoscope of your Soul” Jay Adam Pearson. When we focus on our dreams which no one sees, and when we refuse to surrender the result will be greatness and success. 

Such was the case when a young artist saw a discarded piece of marble, in fact, two previous artists had declared the marble unfit. The first artist Agostino di Duccio gave up on a project using the block of marble, after which it sat untouched for 10 years. At which point a second artist Antonio Rossellino attempted, however eventually deciding the marble unfit and it was too cumbersome and daunting a task. Finally, a third artist began, now the marble had been discarded waiting for 40 years for someone with a dream united with a goal who was up to its challenge. The year was 1501, the young 26-year-old artist name Michelangelo. When he saw the piece of marble he saw the biblical hero David before he had slain Goliath. Michelangelo saw the statue hidden inside, and he only had to remove the outside. David stands 17 feet tall and is sculpted out of one piece of marble. Early in the morning on September 13, 1501, the young artist got to work extracting the figure of David in a miraculous process which the artist and writer Giorgio Vasari would later describe as “the bringing back to a life of one who was dead.” Many statues before Michelangelo’s David portray him after he has defeated Goliath. Michelangelo saw David before the battle. In the statue, we perceive in his face the concentration of the daunting task before him, the rock is hidden inside his right palm, the slingshot seemingly at rest on his shoulder, and him waiting for the precise moment God’s grace would intervene. Michelangelo sculpted in an open courtyard often in the rain sleeping and eating very little to the point of exhaustion until he had nothing left. He was tasked to sculpt David in two years, however, the task would take four years. Yes double the time, Michelangelo never stopped until his dream was accomplished. Now 516 years later a rejected piece of marble is the most recognizable and famous statue in the world and we are richer for it.

The richest state in the United States by household income in Maryland. The richest county in South Carolina is Beaufort. I have concluded the richest place on Earth is the graveyard. Yes, the graveyard is full of people who never acted on their dreams because they never set a goal to achieve their dream. They were too scared, comfortable, or perhaps even they were focused on a bucket list thinking time would never run out. But time did run out, and their dreams were buried with them.

Spooky forest - Fantasy & Abstract Background Wallpapers on ...

Consider how the graveyard contains:
  • Projects never completed
  • Books that have never been written
  • Ideas that have never been shared
  • Poems that have never authored
  • Songs that have never written
  • Music that has never been composed
  • Love never fulfilled
  • Paintings never painted
  • Statues never sculpted
Yes those confined in the grave can no longer dream, and find no solace in past accomplishments. I challenge you to live a life where you’re family, friends, and those in your circle of acquaintance will remember, emulate, and truly care. The Bible is calling sinners to salvation, and Christians to faithfully growth in Christ. The Bible shares the life of countless people facing moral choices, life challenges, and parables encouraging the reader to peer inside ourselves in hope we allow the Gospel to transform our lives to the Glory of GOD. One of my mentors T Harry White often said “It is not so much what a person knows, but the purpose for which they know it.” If you want to make a difference align your priorities with the purpose you study. The labors of life begin each day only to begin with the dawn of a new day’s labor. I often ponder if I die on the morrow will anybody care? I have thought about these truths, and wonder if my life has made a difference, so with pen in hand I wrote When My Morrow ComesOne final question. When you receive your summons from GOD and your life on earth is done will anybody care? : AOFOTO 6x6ft Stairway to Heaven Backdrop Celestial ...

When My Morrow Comes

If on the morrow my summons arrives

Each Foe, Fiend, and Friend unaware

With the glamour of youth now archived

In Yester Year’s days of folly and snare


Our very lives Inexplicable, Deplorable,

Bewildering, and need of repair

Behold Grace is Free and adoptable

The profits of ole did share


The trodden path embarking in strife

With vim and vigor, no need to scare

Hallelujah, HIS mercy saved my life

All Heaven’s Angels did declare


How oft mortalities prompts are Just

Crossing our path by plumb and square

In toiling pleasure from dawn to dust

Does anybody care?


When the sunset arrives one morning

In empty shadows of desires shared

The pride of wealth no longer adoring

Will anybody care?


When an’ where my course is run

By Gabriel’s loud trumpet call

The proud disdain of life undone

Will anyone my life recall?


For when my morrow comes

My ransomed soul HIS heir

Saved from death’s bitter outcome

A testimony to all, Yes my JESUS cares

Soli Deo Gloria

Jay Adam Pearson

Your friend and Brother from Inman

Jay Adam Pearson

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