Monday, November 16, 2020


The Decisive Move

We all have decisive moves in our life, turn down this path or another. Take this job or another, even the choice of our spouse was a decisive move. Attend, join, and fellowship with a church is another decisive move. Each is a decisive move to believe in something, remain committed, and follow-through. Chasing your dream is a decisive move, so I ask you, do you have something to believe in?

We each are faced with a decisive move/instance where we must choose to believe or dogmatically reject. Faith is personal, and it must be real. Recently, a little over 12 years ago the lovely daughter and Granddaughter of one of my dearest friends passed away in a tragic car accident. It is the custom in our community when the football team has an away game our community will feed the team and cheerleaders before they travel to the away games. Chelsey Mitchell (age 16) and her sister Carlyn Mitchell (age14) together with Lauren Trout (age 14) each cheerleaders for our football team, were leaving the Mitchell home headed to the meal before the game when their car was struck by a vehicle and Carlyn went home to be with the Lord. While Lauren sustained non-life threatening injuries… Chelsey’s battle had just begun. For the next 28 months, Chelsey would go from being in a coma to aggravating family members when they would walk by her wheelchair and cutting flips on her Grandparent's living room floor. Those of us that know the Mitchell family gained renewed strength in humanity and our faith renewed as we saw a loving father, mother, brother, Grandparents, and relatives give unconditionally to the needs of Chelsey. By their actions, they showed they believed and were willing to put their faith into acts of service and self-denial. The following 28 months were a blessing to see and proclaim that yes we do need something to believe in. When you have something to believe in, your faith makes the road of life a little easier when those twists and turns come just over the horizon. At the time of the accident William, Chelsey, and Carlyn’s little brother (he was 10 at the time of the accident) would deal with his big sister’s death as best he could. It would be two months before the Mitchell’s would realize they needed to cancel Carlyn’s cell phone. They would receive a phone bill that would remind them it needed to be canceled. A quick review of the bill would let the Mitchell’s know how William had been dealing with the absence of his big sister. William had been calling Carlyn’s cell phone 8-10 times a day just to hear his sister’s voice. Yes, there will come a time when we no longer can hear the voice of our loved ones. I believe we will see our loved ones again, and death is merely a temporary separation. Please do not allow life’s twists and turns to rob your joy. From the Mitchell family, I was reminded love is unconditional. Love is not given simply because you receive something in return. Chelsey’s life after the accident taught me each of us were created to manifest the glory of GOD within each of us. When we let our light shine as Chelsey did, we encourage others to do the same. March 15th, 2010 God called Chelsey home to receive the gift of eternal life. Chelsey was God’s gift to her mother, father, brother, sister, Grand Parents, family, and friends. Her triumph over life’s circumstances was her gift back to God…now that is a decisive move.


The Mitchell’s Family’s “Rest of the Story”

Carlyn’s death would be the first of six immediate deaths in their family for the next six weeks. Carlyn’s Grand Father Eddie Mitchell Jr. is one of my dearest friends. He was a pallbearer for my mother’s funeral, and I would be at each funeral each time Eddie called. Six weeks after Carlyn’s death Eddie would call me to let me know Ed senior had gone home to be with our LORD.  Eddie said “Jay Adam we are tired of hearing the 23 Psalm. The order of service will be a celebration of life. We are going to have a few talks about Dad during his memorial service, and then we are going to the grave where I want you to share something, no scripture.”

I have often shared how GOD bestows moments of brilliance upon each of us if we are only willing to listen. These moments of brilliance are instantaneous; and you must be plugged in to hear them, and if you do not act, they will be lost forever. Such was the case with a poem GOD gave me for the Mitchell family entitled The Master Called, and maybe he gave it to you as well. That night I could not sleep thinking about what Eddie had said and, with the weight of the world firmly upon my shoulders; I lay in bed asking GOD for something to share at Ed senior’s memorial service. I keep a notepad next to my bed for those “moments of brilliance” GOD shares. Now those of us who knew Ed senior often heard him say the Master provided when a need was met. Ed was a blessed man in business and he freely gave back with no fanfare wanting no recognition. When a new van showed up at church with the keys and title in the Church’s name, eventually someone asked Ed senior if he knew anything. He simply smiled and his response was typical “The Master provided.” As I remembered Ed and what his response GOD told me to get up out of bed and write. Now understand GOD gave me this poem in 10 minutes. After writing down what GOD dictated, I returned to my bed for a good night's sleep.

    The Master Called

I am not afraid of dying for this world is not my home

Many winters I labored searching, and often I have roamed

I am not afraid of dying; it holds no fear for me

When my dear Lord summoned, I bowed on bended knee


To receive his gift of love and grace which my Lord freely gave

Covering a multitude of sin and shame, that was buried in the grave

One day, two days, three days would pass until the Fathers call

Which broke the chains of sin and death, releasing Christ from the thrall


I am not afraid of dying; it holds no fear for me

My days are now filled with memories and a life well spent with thee

Once I was afraid of leaving familiar faces, beckoning me to stay

But this fear no longer binds me; I welcome death more each day


For I have bid farewell to family, friends and brethren all

Now that host waits beside the crystal sea, patiently enthralled

The pull is greater to yield up the ghost, than to remain and tarry here

Longing for days of yesteryear, of childhood friends with laughter and cheer


In youth I stood erect and tall, with faith, great courage and grit

But now the years have taken their toll on me, and it’s difficult to admit

For this world has left its imprint upon my hands and in my face

My legs are weak and failing, they no longer hold my place


With eyesight dimming, I often gaze, though I see more clearly now

Than the fair-haired youth who ran and played with sweat upon his brow

My Father in heaven has sheltered me within his loving care

 I often retrace the faithful times I acted upon the square


All the noise of life can cause confusion, but His voice I will always hear

When the Master calls should I leave your side let there be no sadness there

In the twilight I dream and listen for the music, morning can’t be that far

The dawn as promised at Bethlehem, hope in a manger under His star


So hold me in your memories, where moth and rust cannot decay

The love we shared with each other, will shelter you each day

For I am going to a reunion where God’s love has conquered death

Unafraid of dying, for the Master called and I answered with my dying breath


Soli Deo Gloria


Each person reading has a decisive move they are facing, your choice will determine the Rest of Your Story…Choose Wisely. Consider the following story from scripture.

Esther 4:14

“For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?”

The book of Esther is unique in several ways. One distinguishing characteristic is Esther is the only biblical book that does not mention GOD by name. Be assured, GOD in His divine purpose chooses to use imperfect people to accomplish His perfect will and achieve His divine purposes. I am amazed GOD allows us to participate in bringing about His will. Although we often disobey, GOD has contingent knowledge. Esther had been sovereignly put in place by the GOD of her people for the very purpose of thwarting Haman’s evil plan to kill and eradicate the Jew people.

Now, recall Esther was the Queen of Persia married to King Ahasuerus (better known by his Greek name Xerxes I). The first roadblock facing Esther was an official decree if the Queen approached the King uninvited, it would be his prerogative to have her executed for the presumption, or he could offer the scepter as a sign she was forgiven the impertinence, and thereby welcoming her to approach the throne making her petition known. Esther was understandably reluctant but could not argue with her cousin, Mordecai “For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?” (Ester 4:14). The question would be whether Esther would be able to trust GOD demonstrating true faith. By GOD’s grace “She chooses wisely”, saying she would go through it and play her assigned role, and if she should perish, “then she would perish” (Ester 4:16). As Christians, we know GOD has a plan for any situation in which we find ourselves. Although, there will be specific challenges in our lives where the fact will be obvious, but fear will also be a factor. Walk with GOD and abide Christ, so when your moment comes, you will be found faithful by “Choosing wisely.”  



Your friend and Brother from Inman


Jay Adam Pearson


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