Tuesday, May 11, 2021


Laudable Lemonade


The recipe I love for lemonade

 has four simple steps:


1.    Make a simple syrup. 

Add sugar and 2 cups of water to a saucepan. Bring to a simmer and stir until sugar is dissolved.  Remove from heat and cool to room temperature.


2.   Juice your lemons. 

Strain the lemon juice through a fine-mesh sieve into a pitcher.


3.   Combine syrup with a dash of lemon juice. 

Add more water, to taste, until you reach your desired lemonade sweetness.


4.   Chill & Enjoy. 

I was contacted by a dear friend this week who has seen life give them some pretty significant blows. They asked me how do I continue in life when at each turn there is another blow? I shared that as a child if you would have told me the pains, struggles, and trials in my future would be needed most in my life to remind me to trust the LORD and believe, I would have said“No way!”

Now, I recognize it was these very trials in my past which drove me to my knees, which finally got my attention teaching me I am not in control of my life. Yes, it was the pains, struggles, and trials which enable me to give praise to GOD in all things and to proclaim with all my heart LORD, I need you!

Often GOD has a way of interrupting us in the most unusual places. Delays, diversions, distractions, and interruptions can be seen as divine appointments. But boy is this difficult when we are the ones facing the interruption. For the Christian, we will all get to Heaven when we get there, and until then there will be interruptions, challenges, sickness, disease, shattered dreams, and ultimately death which shall arrive as the hardest and best gift. Just like interruptions, miracles are everywhere. Miracles of goodness amid depraved humanity. This got me thinking about how this relates to our very lives, so when life gives you lemons, make:

Laudable Lemonade

GOD’s recipe has four simple steps


1.    Make a simple prayer. Add trust and 2 cups of hope to a saucepan of prayer. Bring to a simmer and stir until fear is dissolved.

2.   Juice your lemons. Claim the promises of our Father and believe HE will strain the bitterness of life into a pitcher embodied in a bright future.

3.   Combine your prayers with a dash of peace. Add more hope, to taste, until you reach your testimony of Faith.

4.   Chill & Trust.

      I hope, indeed I pray if life has presented you significant blows lately that each of you realizes these interruptions will too pass. 

 Soli Deo Gloria


Jay Adam Pearson

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