Thursday, May 12, 2022


This World is Not Our Home

“And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God” Romans 12:2.

The eye of the storm is so calm because the strong surface winds converging towards the center never reach it. One of the many miracles of GOD, the Coriolis Effect, achieves this wonder. It deflects the wind away from the center, causing the wind to rotate around the center, leaving the exact center (the eye) calm.

The fierce winds of the world will attempt to pull your life apart, and you will be beaten, battered, and bruised. Have faith GOD’s presence will calm the storm. The Coriolis Effect applies to movement on rotating objects and is determined by the mass of the object and the object's rate of rotation. It is perpendicular to the object's axis. The Earth spins on its axis from west to east. The Coriolis Effect, therefore, acts in a north-south direction.

In many ways, GOD’s Enduring Love resembles a Coriolis Effect. When we are tested and tried by life, GOD’s love is a certain, calming Coriolis Effect on our life.

We have all found ourselves on bended knees praying for the outcome we desire, and the outcome we believe is best. I have been thinking a lot about this as an outcome I observed would have never occurred 10 years ago. If you have seen such an event unfold, take courage and have Faith for our Father in Heaven knows what is best. As I thought about what I consider to be the wrong outcome, I realize there are those who believe the outcome was correct. All I know is each side prayed for a yes, and neither side desired to hear NO. With this in mind, I picked up my pen and wrote a poem I entitled Maybe Yes, Maybe No.  Regardless where you are in life, and regardless of the prayer you are praying never forget GOD’s eye is upon everything, His love is constant, His decision is just, His mercy is present, His strength is unfailing, and His grace is sufficient” Jay Adam Pearson

Maybe Yes or Maybe No

Meandering tides in GOD’s perfect plan

Charter harbors of chivalry's misfortune

By each yes, or no before prayers began

For destiny guides each fortune


It matters not, our unguided prayer

Still hopeful Thy answer may be Yes

Blinded by the pain of each nightmare

Fighting for every gain and nothing less


Between life’s fairytale of goodbyes

Echoing distant tongues so resound

Haunted by the hurt in loved one’s eyes

Questioning will, grace ever be found


Penitent pilgrims seeking refuge

Flouting feeble prayers of hope so deep

Amid life’s tussles of decayed deluge

Fraught for yes, as no brings weeping


The redeemed of this earthly span

Know tomorrow, JESUS is waiting

All bring love and praises as ye can

Yielding, and no longer debating


Secured with bountiful blessings

Over life’s daily wants of hefty blows

As ambition dies with each confessing

Although Thy answer may be No


Always trusting though often pressed

For it matters not whether we go

GOD is waiting with the answer best

  Faithfully, by maybe Yes or maybe No


Sola Gratia


Jay Adam Pearson

  Be it far from me Have you ever heard or read something that did not make any sense? Not a ridiculous saying, I am referring to a statemen...
